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Botron Company Inc.

Botron Company Inc. - Botron Company Inc. is a provider of ESD-safe and static control equipment. Founded by Robert C. Hooley Jr., Botron has serviced the EOS/ESD industry since the 1980s. It has always been their goal to consistently offer the highest quality products at the lowest prices. From the early days, Botron has been a company that has been approachable, a company with a philosophy of developing relationships with its users. Botron's static control products are not just some piece of equipment packed up in a box; users receive one-on-one support from the moment they first call. Every customer is treated the same whether their orders are large or small.

Being a family owned and operated business, Botron brings their values as a family into their daily work. They believe in taking care of one another, going the extra mile, and never turning each other down. Botron Company Inc. hopes that customers see this when working with them.

Botron Company Inc. Prudutti prisentati


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