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AMICCOM Electronics Corporation., Ltd

AMICCOM is a professional semiconductor company offering a complete product family of industry-leading RF ICs. Our management teams and technical groups have already stayed in RF field for decades. We definitely focus on RF ICs by CMOS process to provide our customers “ high performance “ , “ low cost “ , “high integration “ RF Front End ICs. We are also seeking many business opportunities with MCU vendors and strategy partners for huge wireless applications. In PC applications, such as Wireless Mice / Keyboard / Vista Remote controller and Wireless USB. In Industrial applications, such as AMR, Zigbee, Smart Building, and Automation Control. In Consumer Electronics, such as GPS, Bluetooth, PS/Xbox Wireless Game Pads, and Walkie Talkie. In Car Industry, such as Car Remote Controller, Car Security, and Wireless Video Parking System. In Specific applications, such as Satellite LNB, Intelligent Sports, Wireless Medicine, and WiMAX. Those markets are what AMICCOM have dedicated to. Meanwhile, our management team always focuses on Blue Ocean Strategy and our technical groups keep developing the advanced RF ICs to issue our own patents.AMICCOM wish to bring better life experiences to human beings. Therefore,“Share Excellent RF Experiences “ is our faith.“Keep Leading RF Technology “ is our solid goal.

AMICCOM Electronics Corporation., Ltd Prudutti prisentati


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