SI Semi

The company currently has 5-inch bipolar power chip production lines, 5-inch MOS chip production lines and 6-inch MOS chip production lines. At the same time, the company's packaging lines have the scale production capacity of power devices in packaging forms such as TO series, SOT, SOP/DIP, etc. The company is the only power semiconductor IDM enterprise in South China with front-end and back-end process production lines. The main products include bipolar transistors, photosensitive devices, medium and low voltage MOSFETs, medium and high voltage MOSFETs, IPM Module, IGBTs, fast recovery diodes, CMOS ICs, Schottky diodes, transient protection diodes, etc. The products enjoy a high reputation in the industry and have entered the international market in batches.

SI Semi Prudutti prisentati


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