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Piher Sensing Systems, an Amphenol company

Piher Sensing Systems, an Amphenol company - Piher, a company founded in 1950 in Barcelona (Spain) and later acquired by Amphenol Corporation in 2017, is a specialist manufacturer of standard and custom controls, custom potentiometers and position sensors and sensor solutions. They are also specialized in contactless technologies and have an outstanding track-record with over 60 years perfecting product design in electronic components. Serving global supply chains from production in Europe and Asia. +More Piher's products are used in HVAC (Climate Control), Consumer Appliance, Industrial Controls, Automotive AFL (Adaptive Front Lighting), Off Highway Vehicle, Industrial / Instrumentation, Medical, Power Tool and hundreds of other human interface applications. -Less

Piher Sensing Systems, an Amphenol company Prudutti prisentati


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