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Suzhou LEANSTAR Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise founded by a well-known returnees team. It was established in August 2013 with a registered capital of 10.2041 million yuan. In December 2013, Suzhou LEANSTAR Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. successfully introduced strategic partner Hanwei Technology Group Co., Ltd. (stock code: 300007), which is the leading manufacturer of gas sensors and meters in China and the first listed company on the GEM. Hanwei Technology Group focuses on the Internet of Things industry, and integrates IoT technologies such as sensor, smart terminal, communication technology, cloud computing and geographic information to create Hanwei Cloud, establish a complete IoT industry chain, and combine environmental protection and energy-saving technologies. Guided by customer value, we provide perfect solutions for smart cities, safe production, environmental protection, and people's livelihood.

LEANSTAR Prudutti prisentati


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