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Hangzhou Nanochap Electronics

Hangzhou Nanochap Electronics Co., Ltd. was founded in February 2014. Its headquarters is located in Zhejiang overseas high-level talent innovation park and has an R & D center in Melbourne, Australia. The company is one of the first enterprises engaged in the research of "high-resolution artificial retina" in China and has more than 10 years of research and development experiences in related fields. The company is committed to R & D and sales of ultra-high density neural stimulator chips, biosensor chips, and related medical devices, filling gaps in the field of biochips in China with cutting-edge technologies. At the same time, the company develops intelligent medical products, which achieves noninvasive and real-time monitoring and analysis of the individual health status, as well as creating a personal health monitoring and management platform, with more convenient data management and medical service.

Hangzhou Nanochap Electronics Prudutti prisentati


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