Fibocom is a leading global supplier of wireless communication modules and solutions in the sector of IoT, as well as the first wireless communication module producer listed on the A-share market in China (stock code: 300638). We provide end-to-end IoT wireless communication solutions for telecom operators, IoT equipment manufacturers, and IoT system integrators. With over two decades' engagement in M2M and IoT communication technology and extensive expertise, we are capable of independently developing high-performance wireless communication modules including 5G/ 4G high speed cellular modules, LTE Cat 1/ 3G/ 2G/ NB-IoT/ LTE Cat M LPWA IoT cellular modules, Android smart modules and automotive communication modules for vehicle applications. Besides reliable, convenient, safe and intelligent IoT communication solutions for almost all vertical industries, we are also geared to customize the best and optimal IoT modules and solutions catering to your special requirements.

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