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EC Sense

Germany EC Sence gas sensing technology is a focus on solid polymer electrochemical sensor technology research and development, production and sales of high-tech enterprises. And in China. Ningbo based intelligent gas sensing technology and application of research and development and production center love krypton sen technology co., LTD. (ningbo). The core members of our team is made up of senior sensing technology and micro circuit research and development. Ningbo love krypton sen technology co., LTD is a professional engaged in intelligent civil air quality testing products, industrial products, atmospheric environmental monitoring work environment safety monitoring product research and development, production and sales, is the world's first solid polymer electrochemical technology to realize the industrialization of high-tech enterprises. EC Sense is Germany GmbH global supply gas sensing technology company's sensor production & application design research and development centers, the company is located in ningbo city wisdom and big corridor planning industrial park, one thousand core team members is developed by industry veteran of the sensing technology and micro circuit of experts, and pollution treatment for iot applications to provide reliable and accurate monitoring data, the products are mainly used in industrial gas monitoring, outdoor atmospheric environmental quality monitoring, commercial & residential indoor air quality monitoring of three areas.

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