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CCO(Chian Chia Elec)

Chian Chia Electronics (C.C.O) was established in 1986 by chairman Mr. Chen Chu Zhi, our success in business comes from putting quality first, 30 years Taiwan high tech production skills, experience and imported material. Over years, CCO-branded product provides the best quality & the most competitive price for B2B industries over the world. The main applicable scope are including household equipments, Monitor, UPS, Power supply, LED, equipment of communication, car and so on. The main markets are in CHINA, Southeast Asia, South America, USA, Europe and so on. C.C.O has the certificates of ISO9001: 2008 proved to be the green products enterprise; RoHs and Reach certificates for the products. In the world market, C.C.O also earn lots of reward, one of reward is the most potential electronic enterprise in China.

CCO(Chian Chia Elec) Prudutti prisentati


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